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Skull fractures in car accidents

One possible outcome of a car accident or any other severe, trauma-inducing incident is a skull fracture. Kentucky residents might benefit from being aware of the physical characteristics of a skull fracture, the long-term prognosis for healing or debility and the legal ramifications of such an injury.

The cranial bone, or skull, is a single carapace that shelters the brain and other vital biological systems. Any hard impact has the potential to crack the skull. Although this is often accompanied by trauma to the brain within, that does not necessarily occur in all cases. There are certain symptoms that are sometimes found in accompaniment with a skull fracture, including bleeding from the ears or the nose, facial bruising and swelling in the area of the impact.

The four major types of skull fractures are open, closed, depressed and basal. A closed fracture may be the least severe, as the skin is not broken, and there is no denting. Open fractures involve a break in the skin and some part of the skull emerging from it. A depressed fracture refers to when the skull is cracked inwards, pushing into the brain cavity. Basal fractures happen at the bottom of the skull, from the face to the neck.

Skull fractures that result from auto accident injuries may cost substantial amounts of money in the treatment and recuperation process. If the injury is caused by a collision that was not the fault of the injured person, they may choose to attempt to recover their economic damages by filing a personal injury lawsuit against those responsible. An attorney may be of assistance to those who would like to describe the exact financial impact of their injury in the terms required by the law.

Source: Healthline, “Skull Fractures“, Mary Ellen Ellis, December 20, 2014