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Staying safe while driving in wet weather

Kentucky motorists looking to hit the road in the next few months should do their best to understand the driving dangers posed by wet weather conditions that frequently occur at this time of year. Even though wet weather conditions are estimated by AAA to result in more than a million motor vehicle accidents each year around the country, there are several easy ways to stay safe on wet roads and avoid wet weather accidents.

One of the most common problems encountered by drivers in rainy weather is skidding across wet road surfaces. Also known as hydroplaning, a skid can cause a driver to feel as though they’ve lost control of the vehicle. When skidding, it is best to remain calm and carefully steer the vehicle in a safe direction in order to regain traction. A driver should also not press hard on the brakes during a skid, which can cause further loss of control. However, the best way to deal with a wet weather skid is to prevent one by ensuring a vehicle’s tires have sufficient tread to grip the road and are inflated properly to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Another tip is to avoid traveling too close to other drivers, which can cause a rear-end collision. Drivers may brake suddenly to avoid potholes, which can lead to collisions if other drivers around them cannot stop or change direction quickly enough. Rather, instead of braking abruptly, drivers should simply stop accelerating and allow the vehicle to roll over the pothole naturally. This method is less harmful to the vehicle’s tires and helps prevent collisions by giving other drivers more time to react.

However, a car accident can still occur even when a motorist follows wet weather driving tips. In the event a person is injured in an accident caused by the negligence of another driver, an attorney may be able to assist in obtaining financial compensation from the party at fault to cover the associated monetary damages.