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Steps to recover from a spinal injury

July 14, 2016

Kentucky residents suffering from spinal injuries usually have a long road ahead of them. The right steps need to be taken in order to insure that a full recovery is made, with minimal lasting traumas or complications.

Brain Facts states that there are several ways to improve impaired mobility or lost sensation that result from a spinal injury. The most important thing is the regrowth of lost connections. This can occur through both neurorehabilitation, or through scientific procedures that are being advanced to allow doctors to rebuild nerve connections. Neurorehabilitation allows a victim to start working on regaining a degree of mobility through physical therapy. Starting early yields better results both in regard to getting the muscles working again, and for regrowth therapy in the future.

Meanwhile, Burke Rehabilitation Hospital differentiates between general rehabilitation and acute rehabilitation, which some believe to be the most important step to combating the long-term effects of a spinal cord injury. They state that an individualized plan is key to recovery, as every person’s body has a different way of responding to therapy. In addition, different injuries will require their own methods of treatment. As such, what works for one patient may not necessarily work for the next.

Spinal cord injuries are currently considered something that cannot be healed entirely with the current state of medical technology. However, getting a head start on rehabilitation and diving into the options regrowth therapy currently has on the table can help you start to get back on your feet.