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What is Included in a free personal injury consultation?

March 17, 2021

If you or somebody you love has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another individual, company, or entity, you may be entitled to various types of compensation. However, most people are unaware of how much compensation they may be entitled to and the steps they need to take to secure maximum compensation. Most of the questions that injury victims have could be cleared up by scheduling a free personal injury consultation with a skilled Lexington personal injury lawyer. Here, we want to discuss what is included in a free personal injury consultation so that you understand the first steps towards ensuring that you are treated fairly throughout the claims process.

Where Will a free personal injury consultation Take Place?

The exact location of your free personal injury consultation could vary depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding your particular situation. A free personal injury consultation could take place at the attorney’s office if you are able to get there. However, many attorneys will go to the injury victim if the victim is unable to get to the office because of their current disability or medical situation. Additionally, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, attorneys and injury victims are increasingly relying on various types of video and phone consultations in these situations.

What Happens During the Initial Consultation?

During an initial consultation, the primary concern of the attorney is to help determine whether the injury victim has a legal claim for damages against the person who allegedly caused the incident. An attorney will sit down with the injury victim and discuss the case. It is vital that the injury victim bring as much documentation with them as possible so the attorney can help make an informed decision about the best steps moving forward.

We recommend that all injury victims bring the following with them:

  • Any relevant documents. This can include police reports, eyewitness statements, insurance information, the names and contact information of any person involved, any photographs taken at the same, etc. We also suggest that you bring any medical documentation about the care you have received thus far.
  • A list of questions. Injury victims usually have many questions, and we suggest that all clients write them down so that they can ask them when they have their free initial consultation.
  • A notebook. We suggest that any injury victim bring a notebook with them so that they can write down the details of the meeting. Most attorneys will also provide certain documents to prospective clients that they can take with them after the meeting is over.

Will Payments be Discussed?

It is inevitable that the free initial consultation will have to turn to discussions about affording an attorney. The good news is that most personal injury attorneys in Kentucky take these cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that the injury victim will not have to pay any upfront or out-of-pocket costs for their case. When an attorney takes the case on a contingency fee basis, the client will only pay legal fees after there has been a successful resolution to their case in the form of a settlement or a jury verdict. At the initial consultation, an attorney will likely discuss how this contingency fee works with the prospective client.