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Potential side effects of perinatal hypoxia

Perinatal hypoxia. No Kentucky parent wants to deal with the possibility of their child being deprived of oxygen shortly before or during birth, but that is exactly what this term means, and it can happen to anyone. But just what sort of damage can perinatal hypoxia do?

Cerebral Palsy Symptoms has a list of the short and long term effects that can befall sufferers of perinatal hypoxia. The physical complications can include cerebral palsy, diabetes, heart disease, as well as different types of seizure-based disorders. Physical disabilities such as stunted growth and various emotional or behavioral disorders may also occur later in life due to the potential brain injuries that may occur during the period of time when oxygen is lost. In severe cases, full body paralysis may even occur.

Though it is possible for perinatal hypoxia to be fatal, other information by Primal Therapy also shows that surviving can come with its own set of problems in the form of lifelong health issues. This includes depression, confusion spells, or hallucinations. It can even potentially increase a person’s chance of later suffering from severe mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, autism or schizophrenia. Long-term issues such as learning disabilities, anxiety or a predisposition to phobias may also occur.

The first 48 hours after birth are the most important when it comes to treating perinatal hypoxia. If it is handled in a timely and appropriate manner, the damage can be somewhat mitigated. This is something to keep in mind when a parent is examining their situation.